In the not-so-distant future, video marketing will be changed forever by artificial intelligence (AI).

Just as AI has already begun to revolutionize other industries, it will soon have a profound impact on the way businesses create and distribute video content.

Here’s a look at how AI video will shape marketing in the years to come.

1. More Engaging Videos

Thanks to AI, videos will become more engaging than ever before. By analyzing viewer data, AI will be able to determine which types of content are most likely to keep people engaged and lead to conversions. As a result, businesses will be able to create videos that are better tailored to their target audiences and more likely to lead to positive results.

2. Personalized Video Experiences

AI will also help create personalized video experiences for viewers. By analyzing a user’s past viewing habits and interests, AI can deliver tailored content that is more likely to keep them engaged and coming back for more. This could have huge implications for businesses looking to boost customer loyalty and increase conversion rates.

3. More Efficient Video Production

Video production can be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor, but AI could help make it more efficient. AI tools like natural language processing (NLP) can automatically generate scripts based on textual content, and automated video editing tools could save hours of manual labor. As these tools become more advanced, businesses will be able to create better quality videos in a fraction of the time.

Check out this video on BigVu’s AI writer that now enables users to write, film with the aid of their video teleprompter and edit their videos all from within the app.

4. Faster Production Times

The production of video content can be a time-consuming process, and as they say, time is money.  So to save us precious time, AI is capable of helping speed things up. With AI-powered tools, businesses will be able to create videos much more quickly and efficiently. This could free up resources that can be used for other aspects of the business or allow businesses to produce more videos overall.

5. Better ROI

In addition to being more engaging and faster to produce, AI-created videos will also boast a better return on investment (ROI). Thanks to the data-driven nature of AI, businesses will be able to track the results of their video campaigns more effectively and make necessary adjustments along the way. This data-driven approach will help ensure that businesses are getting the most out of their video marketing efforts.

6. Increased Customization Options

Finally, AI will give businesses more customization options when it comes to video marketing. With AI-powered tools, businesses can easily customize videos for different platforms and audiences so that they’re optimized for maximum impact. This could help boost ROI by ensuring that each video is as effective as possible.

Artificial intelligence is on the cusp of revolutionizing video marketing as we know it, with a range of new opportunities just waiting to be explored. From more engaging videos to increased customization options and faster production times, AI has the potential to open up huge possibilities for businesses looking to maximize their video marketing efforts. By taking advantage of these opportunities now, businesses can ensure they remain competitive as the world of AI-powered video marketing continues to evolve.

If you’re still on the fence, then I would recommend you read up on the subject of AI and learn more before deciding it’s not for you.  A great resource and book I enjoyed on this topic is “Marketing Artificial Intelligence by Paul Roetzer.

In “Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business”, Paul Roetzer provides a comprehensive resource on using artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize marketing. He covers the fundamentals of AI, its uses in marketing, and the implications of its fast-paced development on how business will be done in the future. With detailed analysis, practical advice, case studies and real-world examples, he shows how AI can improve customer experiences, create better relationships between customers and companies, drive more meaningful engagement with stakeholders and help organizations stay competitive. Roetzer also addresses common challenges businesses may face when engaging with AI solutions and provides strategies for managing these obstacles.

Whose Implementing AI

The truth is that many Fortune 500 companies are already implementing AI in the way the market and engage with their customers.

Here are the top 5 companies using AI in their marketing efforts: Amazon, LinkedIn, Uber, ESPN, Apple, and Merck. These companies have implemented powerful AI technology to personalize customer experience, deliver relevant content recommendations, suggest job opportunities, create natural interactions, detect fraud and predict customer behavior.

Some real-world examples of how they use marketing with AI include Amazon’s use of machine learning algorithms to personalize product recommendations, LinkedIn’s use of natural language processing to suggest job opportunities, and Uber’s use of AI algorithms to detect fraudulent activity. Other companies such as ESPN, Merck, and Wells Fargo are harnessing the power of AI in areas such as delivering personalized content, predicting customer behavior, and monitoring customer engagements.

And let’s not forget about Apple. Apple uses AI in many of its core products and services, such as Siri, Apple Music, and Apple News. For example, Apple uses machine learning algorithms to create more natural interactions with Siri and to provide more accurate voice recognition features. Additionally, Apple’s facial recognition feature is powered by AI technology. The system uses a combination of sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze faces and distinguish between different users.

AI is here and will only get better with time, as technology advances and we learn more about how to effectively utilize AI for various tasks. The potential of AI for improving our lives is virtually limitless and its applications are being used in all areas from healthcare to entertainment.

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