Read all about video marketing, YouTube marketing, video tools and reviews below.
How Can I Create Videos When It’s So Hard to Do?
If you’re not using videos to market your services, product, or business, you’ll get left in the dust. That’s a fact! And statistics reiterate this fact time and again. And that’s why you’ve decided to bite. But, you’ve encountered a HUGE problem. You have no friggin’...
How to Create Videos Easily in 2019
One of the main motivating factors that drive consumers to purchase services is VIDEO. And you, yes, you, can easily create videos that will motivate and drive consumers to purchase your services. Create Videos and Build Relationships with Your Prospects You are...
Now is the Right Time for Video Marketing
Are you wondering if video marketing is right for your business? Is it really worth the investment? Well, people remember 20 percent of what they hear, 30 percent of what they see, and a whopping 70 percent of what they see AND hear. That alone is pretty convincing....
Why Using Videos in 2019 is Useful to Your Business
Wondering why using videos in 2019 is useful to your business? Well, because video is frankly being used everywhere. And you're missing out on the impact it can have on your business if you're not using it. Why You Should Be Using Videos for Your Business Video...
How to Become Your Client’s YouTube Hero
Want to grow your business and make more money? Of course, you do! Here’s how. Market your skills and expertise in videos and help your clients do the same. And all you need to know to do that is right here in this blog post. Read on to become your client’s YouTube...
How to Gain YouTube Subscribers in No Time
How does growing your YouTube channel and earning money sound to you? Awesome, I’m sure! What business owner doesn’t want to gain YouTube subscribers in no time and earn money, right? What if I could show you how one of my clients did just that? Read on. Case Study:...
Loom Makes Using Video Easy to Do
“Video builds relationships. Relationships build trust. Trust drives revenue.” - Andrew Davis, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Marketing Expert Are you using video? From the smallest solopreneur to the largest corporation, we are hard-pressed to think carefully about...
My Time at the 2019 Keys to Digital Marketing Success Event
What a blast! I’m talking about this year’s Keys to Digital Marketing Success. This year was my second year in a row to participate in the event. And it was my honor to speak on “YouTube for Business, A Case Study.” What the Keys to Digital Marketing Success Event Is...
How Important is Video Marketing to Your Business?
Is video marketing a part of your overall business strategy? If not, it should be. No matter the size of your business, video marketing is important to your bottom line. And judging by statistics, it is an indispensable must for your business strategy. Here are some...
Video Creation Leaps Into the World of Artificial Intelligence
What is artificial intelligence? ar·ti·fi·cial in·tel·li·gence the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between...
How a VA Business Received a 617% ROI from her YouTube Channel
How a YouTube channel with little views and subscribers gained a 617% ROI in one short month. You don’t need to have a YouTube channel with hundreds or even thousands of views in order to make money and Kathy Goughenour of Expert VA Training is proof of that. There's...
I ❤ UseLoom Video Recorder, Here’s Why
My love affair with Which would offer a better experience for you? Reading a lengthy email or watching a video? Since I'm a video expert and all, you know I'm gonna say watching a video, right? But there's a really good reason why I'm saying this. My...